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Torah Atlanta 2021    -    Audio Library    -    Learning Links



Torah Atlanta 2021

While Covid locked down the world Congregation Ariel brought everyone together with Torah Atlanta. An eclectic array of lay and professional teachers were invited to create a 48-hour Torah marathon. Hosted by Rabbi Binyomin Friedman, Congregation Ariel showcased to the world the Torah gem that is Atlanta.

Video Series 1
Rabbi Reuven Stein, Rabbi Netanel Friedman, Rabbi Shmuel Khoshkerman, Rabbi Daniel Freitag

Video Series 2
Mr. David Weissmann, Rabbi Jake Czuper

Video Series 3
Rabbi Izrail Zelman, Rabbi Yossi Lerman

Video Series 4
Rabbi Pinchas Landis, Rabbi Hirshy Minkowicz, Mr. Harold Schroeder, Rabbi Mendel Dickstein

Video Series 5
Rabbi Mayer Friedman, Rabbi Adam Starr, Rabbi Yosef Shapiro, Rabbi Binyomin Friedman

Video Series 6
Rabbi David Silverman, Rabbi Ilan Feldman, Rabbi Binyomin Friedman

Video Series 7
Rabbi Michoel Friedman, Morah Dena Friedman, Rabbi Yossi New, Rabbi Ari Sollish

Audio Library

Rabbi Binyomin Friedman “Cleaning for Pesach” March 2018
Rabbi Friedman shows how one can clean for Passover without killing yourself (or someone you love).

Rabbi Binyomin Friedman “Wills and Inheritances” 04 July 2018
Learn about the substantive differences between the Torah and secular approach to inheritance.

Mrs. Shifra Robkin “Morning of Inspiration” 18 July 2018
Mrs. Robkin shares an emotional story of her near death experience and the love that brought her back to her family.

Rabbi Binyomin Friedman Tisha B’Av presentation “Before Hitler There Was Petrula” July 2018
On the 9th day of Av Rabbi Friedman delves into a little known tragedy in Jewish History. This year the Petlura massacres of 1919 -1921.

Rebbetzin Pavlov “An Outpouring of Blessing” 11 Nov 2018
Scholar in residence Holly Pavlov, Director of Shearim Institute in Jerusalem, explains the value and impact of a blessing.

Mrs. Bracha Schulgasser – Thanks Giving – 8 Dec 2019
Giving thanks is a talent that every Jew must acquire.

Learning Links

Aish Audio
The media arm of Aish Hatorah in Jerusalem. Providing compelling articles and classes on relevant issues of the day.

Chabad Multimedia
Insight in the Torah and Judaism from the Chassidic perspective of the Rebbe of Lubavitch.

Torah programming from Israel for Hebrew speakers.

Ohr Somayach
Articles and insights from Torah Scholars in an easy to understand format.

OU Torah
Classical text study in a clear relatable fashion from the Orthodox Union.

Simple to Remember
Lectures from the world’s foremost Torah thinkers.

Torah Anytime
Something for everyone. If you can’t find someone addressing your topic on Torah Anytime it doesn’t exist.


Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785